Sunday, March 8, 2009

Nan Jin Guan

I sort of feel like the Millennium Falcon jumping into hyperdrive as the stars turn into blinding lines of light rushing by me.

This semester is flying so fast I can't even see straight. I am absolutely loving it though. Life is full of joy and adventure.

I went hiking with my coffee shop buddies this Saturday, and true to form they decided on a 7:30am departure time. I don't know about the rest of you but that's a bit of an early start for my lazy self.

The flowers are beginning to show themselves in hopes that spring truly is here, making everything seem happier. We clambered over rocks as big as my living room. You can see James hugging the rock wall along the river, which is how we traversed most of that section of the canyon. It was such an awesome group of friends, some old and some new. We cooked lunch together and I got to try some mystery foods (because they were afraid they would gross me out by telling me what I was eating.) One of them was pig skin. Yum!

While hiking behind my good friend Thomas, I got a little tired of inhaling cigarrette smoke in the great outdoors so I asked him how many an hour he smoked. He told me around three and I gave him my best disapproving teacher look. At the look he said, "Because I feel I will begin to....Superman!" As we all burst into laughter he got embarrased but proclaimed, "It's an international funny!"

After an awesome and exhausting day hiking Nan Jin Guan I joined up with some of my new German friends and went to watch the Indians play Cricket. It was my first time to witness a Cricket match so I enjoyed that thoroughly. After that we went to enjoy some Indian cuisine and headed to Yiling Guang Chang to dance with the old people. A guy was writing with water on the square, and I just love Chinese calligraphy.

I sat and watched the little kids run up to the fountain and scream and laugh as they ran away everytime the water burst up again.

I mentioned how busy things are, but it's a great blessing. Hopefully I'll be able to make time to update a little more often. I'm still struggling with my future so I'd really love your petitions about that.

"Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony."
Mohandas Gandhi


Anonymous said...

Well, it's lovely to be busy.. even at 730am :)

WOW @ watching cricket! I'm glad you enjoyed it too. Did it make much sense? I was following the score over here, the Indians played incredibly - even with their star getting injured!

babyblueeyed girl said...

wow what beautiful seenerary
gosh i miss you