Tuesday, March 24, 2009


It's always exciting to go to the Foreign Affairs Office and find mail.

What's not so exciting is when three of the letters are from yourself.

No I'm not so desperate for correspondence that I send letters to myself, at least not on purpose.  Nor was it a result of me listening to too much Steely Dan.  I am; however, apparently ignorant of slight differences between the U.S. and China in... every little detail.  When I sent letters to my grandparents, best friend, and her parents I didn't know that the "return address" section of a letter in America is actually the place you're supposed to write the receiver's address in China.  I put their addresses where I'm supposed to put my own.  So the post office who took my money and put stamps on the letters knew they were going to America and charged me the right amount, but the folks they passed the letters off to after that apparently didn't look too closely and sent the letters straight back to me.

Sorry Ariel, JoAnn, and Grandma...you'll get a letter from me eventually.

If you get the Steely Dan reference give yourself a high five.

Better a diamond with a flaw than a pebble without.
~Confucius, Analects


Anonymous said...

Heyyy.. funny timing to read this post because GUESS WHAT I just got in the mail- yey! Thank you, that is one of the first pieces of hand addressed mail to me at my house :)

So glad that the Chinese-Australian postal authorities agree on what part of the envelope to use for the sender/receiver address!

Sammie said...

Ricky don't lose that number. It's the only one you want. Send it off in a letter to yourself.

Unknown said...

Hey Katie,

Are you coming home on furlough sometime in the near future?

Matt Dowling