Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Here's the irony of the situation. I figured out how to make chicken noodle soup today in my apartment. Today, for the first time in four days, I can breathe, I'm only coughing occasionally, my fever is gone, and I can walk without thinking I'm going to pass out. Why oh why couldn't I have discovered this greatness one of the last four days when I felt sick every time I put something in my mouth? Sorry (Sammie) that there haven't been any updates lately. All I've done is lay in my apartment and watch movies and try not to die. Life hasn't been incredibly eventful. I'll try to do something a little more interesting for you to read about tomorrow. Maybe I'll go bungee jumping off the three gorges, I saw a place for that the other day. Just kidding Mom.

1 comment:

Sammie said...

well, I'm glad you didn't die at least. I justwould love to hear your voice some day.