Saturday, September 6, 2008


So yesterday I woke up to the most beautiful blue sky and sunshiny day only to discover that I had a fever, headache, sore throat and all kinds of sinus issues. Needless to say I did not enjoy the sunshine at all, instead I laid in bed and felt sorry for myself pretty much the whole day. Elizabeth did take me out for a strawberry smoothie at the place called "Drinking Cool." That was really sweet of her. Then we watched Gilmore Girls and were utterly lazy. My fever got worse last night and I'm still feeling pretty horrible, but I went to lunch with some new friends today. One was an Aussie from Perth, who is here teaching at a foreign language school, and the other is a wonderful, sweet Chinese girl whose English is better than mine. She told me very excitedly that she was studying last year from a good book, and that she really wants to learn some more. I'm looking forward to studying with her. Well I'm going to go back to bed and try to get rid of this sickness so that I can feel like a normal person again.

1 comment:

sevens said...

I haven't heard about your life yet today, and I'm pretty annoyed by that. ;)