Saturday, June 6, 2009


It's nine o'clock on a Saturday
And the doorbell is ringing again
There's an old man at the dumpster
Digging for plastic and tin

The doorbell plays me a melody
I sure wish they would go
It's loud and it beeps and I still want to sleep
While I can pretend I'm not home

La la la, de de da
La la, de de da da da

I sing a song for the mystery man
Sing them a song, "Goodbye"
Well, I'm not in the mood for company
And you've got me feeling uptight

Now the man at the door is a friend of mine
It could be one friend or three
And I'd like to joke or to buy them a coke
But right now it's just to early
I sigh, Go away, you're killing me
As the smile runs away from my face
Well I'm sure that I could dream some more
If they would just leave this place

Oh, la la la, de de da
La la, de de da da da

And that's what happens when you ring my doorbell at 9am on Saturday.  I'm singing Billy Joel all day and end up with some words of my own.

Speaking of singing, if you know me at know that I am the worst.  I love singing, but nobody else loves my singing.  Until....China.  Tonight was a graduation party for the Foreign Language College and some students of mine begged me to join their group and sing with them.  I reluctantly agreed, thinking if there were six of them and one of me, no one would have to endure my voice.  I also was not made aware that a thousand people would be in attendance.  I love my students and I thought we'd have some fun together.  Fun, is the one word I cannot honestly use to describe today.  Funny; however, fits perfectly.  The powers that be decided to cut our group from seven to three this afternoon, thereby increasing the likelihood that the poor audience would have to hear my voice amongst the din.  Think of the most annoying song you've ever heard.  Then, picture me singing it with two other students in front of hundreds of screaming fans.  Did I mention that we forgot the words?  (Partly because I learned the song last night).  In case you were wondering, we performed "Big Big World" which is an English song that's immensely popular here and totally unheard of in America.  I hate it.  My fondness for the song aside, it was an event I will never forget, and the performance as a whole was totally enjoyable.  I laughed continuously and I'll try to post some videos to facebook soon.

All of us contain Music & Truth, but most of us can't get it out.
-Mark Twain


babyblueeyed girl said...

hahah what a wonderful words
i personally love your singing
and miss it
loooooooovvvvvvvvveeeeeeee you

Sammie said...

I love you. and Mark Twain.

Sarah B said...

lol I dont know what your talking about. I think of your melodic voice and interpretive dance to Stephen Speaks as I drift off to sleep each and every night. Then I dream of Mark Twain.