Monday, October 27, 2008


Homemade applesauce, French Toast, and a cappuccino for breakfast. Does life get any better?

Friday I spotted a pumpkin at the supermarket and snatched it up. It's been sitting on my counter taunting me since then, so I took a knife to it today. I spent nearly the whole day cutting, scooping, cooking, stirring, and baking. I had no idea it would take so long, but it was worth every ounce of energy I poured into it. I listened to Rick Atchley while I created so it was encouraging as well as satisfying work. The look on Zack's face when I brought pumpkin pie over would have made all the effort worthwhile even if it weren't my favorite food of all time.

Some Chinese friends came over, and we shared pie together before wandering to Restaurant Row to eat dinner. Zack and Elizabeth don't have an abundance of Western eating utensils, so I ate my pie with a knife. I think that made it even more gratifying. Pumpkin pie straight out of the oven just may be the key to my heart. For all of you gentlemen dying to know how to win my affection, now you know. It's very possible to get a picture that I'm an extreme glutton by reading my blog. Well before that rumor festers into fact, let me just admit it. I am. Food is my weakness as you can tell.

We didn't have enough self-control to wait until afterwards to try the pie. Besides, my great-grandma lived a long and happy life by eating dessert first. After a tasty hot pot, we went back to Zack and Elizabeth's where the girls taught us some calligraphy, my new hobby. All my life I've wanted to learn to write Chinese calligraphy so I was fascinated. While learning calligraphy Elizabeth had them write her favorite verse, and the conversation drifted to Important things. They ended up staying until 10:40 because we were having such a good discussion. I call that a successful day!

"Don’t ask so much what the world needs. Go out and do what makes you come alive, because what the world needs most are people who have come alive."
-Howard Thurman


Unknown said...

I remember the first time I made pumpkin pie in China...a long task to be sure, and probably the best tasting pie ever! Glad to see you're bringing the blessing of pie to the orient! Heaven knows they need some help with desserts!

Sammie said...

all of Kendon's posts have to do with food, too.

babyblueeyed girl said...

that is awsome
what encourgement you are
and i love you