Tuesday, October 14, 2008


Nobody likes being alone, but it's even less desireable at meal times. I met a bunch of girls at English Village on Sunday, and we had supper together and then they came over and I taught them how to play Uno. I didn't have any lunch plans today so I asked them to eat with me again. Three turned into five, as they brought friends, and one even came over 2 hours before lunch to try to teach me Chinese. I'm afraid I wasn't a very good pupil but I'm trying! We had a great time eating together, and I impressed them all with my ability to eat spicy food without bursting into flames. After a huge fight over the bill I emerged triumphant I'm proud to say. That started a whirlwind of conversation because they didn't know what to do, so they settled for buying me a milk tea. An excellent compromise in my view. Then they wanted me to come back to their dorm room and teach them some American card games, so I introduced them to ERS. I think that's one game that's as interesting to watch as it is to play. We had loads of fun and I met all their roommates, and while we were talking one girl asked me what my major was. So I told them about both of my majors. That prompted a lot of questions and ended with them all wanting to come over to my apartment and learn more. So now I have a whole bunch of new friends who are going to be starting from square one and learning the most important thing they could learn. Be thinking about our time together please.

Please remember our brothers and sisters in India right now.
The awesome girls I will be meeting with this week.
That my eyes will be open to opportunities.
Wisdom as I teach.

“What do we live for, if it is not to make life less difficult to each other?”
-George Elliot, Middlemarch


babyblueeyed girl said...

hey girl
i will be praying for yall
and yay for paying
ohh you need to teach me ERS that card game
looove you

Anonymous said...

Katie, you are so amazing. I hope you are seeing that as God continues to use you to the fullest. To think that you simply meet people and in the span of two days have already made an impact on them and have them captivated by who you are. Keep up the good work and I've added your prayer requests to my list. :)