Friday, October 3, 2008


This week was the National Holiday and the whole country gets a week off work, so me and 7 of my friends went through the famous Three Gorges, that my University is named after. They say that a picture is worth a thousand words, so here is my holiday:The day before we left I got this most wonderful package from my parents, my CHACOS, crisco (so I can make pumpkin pie!!), ranch dressing mix, maple and brown sugar oatmeal, kettle corn, cocoa (so I can make no bake cookies :), the best gum in the world, and vanilla. It was the best day of my life.And the best part was getting to spend time with my wonderful friends. My spirit is always refreshed and encouraged by being around them.

If you've ever played Nertz, you know that it can be an intense and sometimes downright vicious game...well six Americans are enough to draw a crowd anywhere in China, but six Americans playing Nertz draws an entire boatload of curious/slightly inebriated Chinese to watch. We had an audience during the game, which made it a lot more fun, and so did the drunk guys yelling Chinese at us. All in all it was quite an experience on our "cruise" through the Three Gorges. I can only imagine how beautiful they were before the dam flooded the area.

Today I woke up to the third blue sky I've seen in 宜昌. It was glorious. Had a Good conversation with a Chinese friend, and got to praise the One who made it all.

"I have an irrepressible desire to live till I can be assured that the world is a little better for my having lived in it."
- Abraham Lincoln


babyblueeyed girl said...

im so glad things are going so well
for you
i miss you tons
ps your pics are awesome
and oohhhh i need your address

Ryan Russell said...

Beautiful Beautiful absolutely BEAUTIFUL! I take great joy in what your eyes have seen! Thanks so much for sharing with the rest of us. How long did you have to go without your Chacos? Glorious day receiving them in the mail I’m sure! An Irish blessing for my friend in China:

May the road rise to meet you. May the wind be always at your back, May the sun shine warm upon your face, and the rains fall soft upon your fields, and till we meet again may God hold you in the palm of His hand.

Sammie said...

Wowsers. Those dam pictures were simply amazing. I'm very glad you finally got your dam chacos. I'm sorry you had to go so long without them. Drunk people are funny no matter what nation they're from. Life is dam beautiful isn't it?