Thursday, May 20, 2010


One of the most entertaining and simultaneously annoying features of a dinner party in China is the constant toasting.  Every few minutes someone feels the urge to stand up and say something complimentary to someone else in the group.  Then everyone proceeds to drink their corn juice, or baijiu, or whatever strange concoction is brewing in their glass at the moment.  The time came for Jessica to salute her students for bringing us to such a wonderful restaurant, perched in the side of a cliff.  She extolled the greatness of the evening, elaborating on how we loved all of the dishes on the table.  "Usually there is something that is very strange for foreigners to eat, but this time we love everything!"

The next bowl was brought out with a flourish and placed in front of me.  I glanced up at the tiny legs and pincers glistening amongst the chili peppers.  Scorpion anyone?

In case you are wondering they taste so good I had seconds.

"Could you recommend some delicious food to me?

Of course.  Er…would you like some desserts at first?  And I advice you to try beverage.  It's fresh today.

I'd like some hot dessert.  The beverage sounds nice.  I'll try.

I guess the main course for you should be vegetable salad.

Thanks.  I'm right on a diet.

Have a good time."

-A conversation my students wrote

1 comment:

Chuck Doswell said...

I agree completely about the two sides of the 'toasting' at meals. Imagine this with alcohol ... things can get out of hand pretty rapidly! But the whole process definitely makes for pleasant conviviality, with or without alcohol.

Scorpions, eh? I've never been offered them ... if the occasion should ever arise, I guess I have to try one. Are they crunchy?