Wednesday, November 11, 2009


Sometimes I'm quick to point out the faults I see in China but I'd like to be equally generous at pointing out the virtues.

In America we have this awful excuse for a holiday known as "Valentine's Day" which is actually an excuse for girls everywhere to demand absurd presents from their significant other, and get irrationally upset when their expectations are not met.  It's undeniably annoying, and not just for single people.  My miserliness may be more extreme than most, but I feel safe in saying that the consumerism attached to Valentine's Day has blossomed out of control.  People are expected to spend more every year than they did the year before and the limits seem boundless.  It's sickening.

Chinese culture, by contrast, has invented a wonderful alternative.  November 11th, because it is 11/11 has become known as "Singles Day" or "Single sticks day."  It was started by some college students in Nanjing in the 90's and has spread far and wide as a time to celebrate your single-ness.  Last year one of my students gave me a present for 光棍节, but this year I just got text messages that said things like, "happy single person's day!hope u can find your mr right soon my beautiful teacher"  People eat four yóutiáo, a deep fried bread stick that represents the four ones of the day.  Several of my students celebrated by going out to eat and making sure that each person paid for themselves, as opposed to the tradition of taking turns buying dinner.  I think I'll celebrate by living vicariously through a fictional love story created by Jane Austen.  I would not be disappointed if we adopted this festival in the West, and replaced a much more obnoxious holiday around February 14th.

"Only the deepest love will persuade me into matrimony which is why I shall end up an old maid."
-Elizabeth Bennet


Krista said...

Boo! I love Valentine's Day (probably because it is the day after my birthday). You are probably right, but I'm still in favor of keeping Valentine's Day! However, I am not opposed to Single Sticks Day either.

babyblueeyed girl said...

and i deffently agree with you about expections
i deffently agree we need to have a singles day here in america

Sammie said...

I forgot about that! It's also Remembrance Day here, and Jamie's pre-anniversary.

J. Cus said...

AHAHA! Oh, I love Jane Austen. And that quote. And this post.