Thursday, November 5, 2009


At times my heart is touched by strange things, like the livelihood of a tiny little turtle.  Jessica and I have a turtle, recently christened Nuwanda, who brings us endless entertainment; but Yichang turned cold this week, and I started to fear for Nuwanda's life.  He looked like he was either going into hibernation, or might freeze to death in his little bowl of water, so I joked about putting him under the heat lamp in the shower so that he could feel some warmth.  After walking by his bowl a few times and seeing him pressed up against the edge with his eyes closed in what looked like desperation, I couldn't harden my heart any more.  I realize that I'm a total pushover, but I have relocated Nuwanda to the bathroom and set up an abode complete with permanent sunshine for him.  The change in his personality was unmistakable, he started swimming more, eating more, and in general looking alive.  Today was the crowning glory though, when we noticed that he was sunbathing without shame.  He stretched his legs out as far as he could, lifted them in the air, and looked as blissful as a turtle can look.

"Parrots, tortoises and redwoods live a longer life than men do; Men a longer life than dogs do; Dogs a longer life than love does."
-Edna St Vincent Millay

*There's been some debate on whether Nuwanda is technically a turtle, terrapin, or tortoise, so to avoid confusion I may switch to the Chinese: 乌龟


Sarah B said...

hahaha i love it!!!!! be free turtle beeee freeeeee!!!!!

babyblueeyed girl said...

hahahahaha thats awesome

J. Cus said...

Even though I saw this in person, I still laugh out loud every time I look at this picture.

MomMarsh said...

You and your turtles....silly girl ;)