Saturday, October 31, 2009


Lesson number one from today:
When you plan a Halloween party for 7pm expect a house full of girls at 3:30.

Lesson number two:
Eat dinner before the girls show up at 3:30 or you will be doomed to hunger pains for the next 6 hours.

Lesson number three:
Expect your house to look like a war zone after said party because the "worm cake" will be irrevocably ground into the floor.

Lesson number four:
Plan enough Halloween costumes for 7 people besides yourself, because they will show up expecting you to create one for them.

For those of you who are wondering, my Grandma had surgery today, and she's doing fine, everything went well, and she'll be in the hospital for a few more days.  I cannot thank you enough for the prayers and encouragement this week.

"Weekends don't count unless you spend them doing something completely pointless."
Calvin (& Hobbes)


babyblueeyed girl said...

hey sweet sweet katie
im glad to hear your gramnda's susrgey went well and im glad you had fun and those are some funny lessons
love you

Sarah B said...

yay im glad your grandma is doing well!!!! Yay for having a party! remember that one time you painted a ninja-turtle pumpkin and made our all pumpkins look like kids did them... yeah, thanks :)

Sammie said...

we're seriously such twins. we had Chinese girls show up way early as well, and ask me what they should be. Shadow came as a Japanese. hahahhaa