Wednesday, May 6, 2009


Chinese people are the most selfless people I've ever met.  Yesterday was one of those suffocatingly hot days when the very air seems to press down on you.  Between my afternoon classes I heard a knock on the door and two of my students, Shelly and Sophia had brought me a bottle of water to help me survive the next two hours.  Last week Rita brought me ice cream before class-just because she thought of me.  The week before that it was iced tea.  It's like they cannot buy something for themselves without first getting one for each of their friends.  I've learned so much about thinking of others and unselfish giving from living here.  You can see it reflected in everything they do but perhaps most evidently in table etiquette.  You never fill your own bowl of rice, but you serve everyone else.  You never pour yourself tea but you fill everyone else's glass.  The utmost consideration is shown by putting food in your friend's bowl.  Which incidentally was one of the hardest things for me to get used to when I first came.  I couldn't understand why people were filling my bowl with food.  They were showing that they care about me.  I hope someday I will be able to constantly think of others the way that they do so naturally.

"No one has ever become poor by giving."
-Anne Frank


Fradam said...

Awww yey for your students! I really like your post. I'm glad you're experiencing this :)

It is indeed a -very- big part of Asian culture.. the last time I was with my cousins, we were laughing about that exact thing - the constant filling of plates and how at times you'd have to pick your bowl up away from the table and shield it from being filled!

Sammie said...

I so noticed this. Chunni will never let me pay her back for things. LOVE the quote.

babyblueeyed girl said...

i hope to be more like the chinnese
i love your quote
your amazing
im glad ppl are spoling you since i cant

Anonymous said...

What an awesome lesson! And to be surrounded by teachers who do their teaching without thought. I know you will be changed. Thanks for sharing to inspire us also.