Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Let’s all reflect for a moment on the wonder called communication. It’s such a simple thing to tell someone, “You will begin teaching on Feb. 16th”

Or, “You’re going to need these papers later, so hold on to them for the entire semester and don’t write all over them.”

To be fair, 我的中文不好 and their English is mostly non-existent, but I do have a perfectly capable co-teacher who is fluent in both languages, and a foreign affairs office which I believe is there for that purpose.

In fact they did communicate one thing to me, after I had doubled up some of my classes to finish the semester early. They told me I couldn’t do that and I would be fined. What they should have said is “You will be the only moron stupid enough to continue teaching until Jan. 16th. You should double up your classes so your students don’t hate you. All of the other teachers will know we are bluffing and finish early anyway. Then you will have to wait 10 minutes every morning for the lazy man to come unlock your classroom because he thinks there are no more classes this week.”

Let’s just say the local method of informing one of important things leaves a lot to be desired. It definitely gives me something to laugh about, and in the grand scheme of things is not all that important. Just a little…interesting. I still love this place and these people more and more every day but I sure would appreciate some simple communiqué.
On the bright side— literally—the sun is shining. And who can complain when there is sunshine afoot? Not I! I think I’ll go enjoy it.

“We do what we do—not because we’re paid to do it but because [He] has called us to do it.”
-Randy Harris


babyblueeyed girl said...

let me communicate this to you
i miss you so much and wish you were here so i could give you a super dupper hug and ohh i love you and miss you like nuts ummmmm your amazing
i hope you know this

Caleb said...

I think my head would have exploded at some point. By the way, any chance of getting translations of the characters? My Mandarin is a bit rusty.

Sammie said...

buncha punks. that would be frustrating.

Anonymous said...

Randy Harris is awesome! I attended his four part class at NCYM this year. I'm glad you can laugh and see the bigger picture. :) Continue to be patient and share the love!

katie said...

It says, "qing shuo" or "Please speak." Which was the closest my pathetic Chinese could get to the topic of the blog.