Thursday, November 27, 2008


The Happy Thanksgiving and/or "Happy Thanks Gaven" messages began at 7:20 yesterday morning, and flowed continuously until my phone couldn't handle it anymore and gave out. It decided it didn't want to send or recieve any more messages for a few days. I don't really blame it. The sky, on the other hand, had a much cheerier disposition than my cell phone, giving me two full days of cloudless blue sky and sunshine, and I even saw stars! That's how I knew it was going to be a good day. I was walking my friends home Wednesday night after our pumpkin pie experience, when I looked up and gasped. "STARS!" I shouted, acting like I had never seen them before. The girls are as accustomed to cloudy skies as I am and did not even react to my momentary insanity, they simply proclaimed that meant it would be a beautiful day on Thanksgiving. And they were absolutely right. I had to add one more thing to my brimming list of things to be thankful for. Blue skies are definitely a reason for excitement. The last few days have been joyous. Typically I'm a Scrooge and I refuse to listen to Christmas music until about a week before Christmas, because to be honest I hate most of it. Yesterday; however, I unabashedly blared Christmas music while I cooked. I lit a candle and turned on my Christmas lights around the dead tree and felt like it was truly a holiday.

Apparently we had an earthquake here in Yichang last Saturday and I didn't even know it. I'm a little bit disappointed that I didn't even feel a tremor, because I've never experienced an earthquake before. Not that I wish one to happen, but since it did, I wish I would have known it. I live on the fourth floor so I'm not sure how I didn't even notice, when one of my friends was on the third floor and was so scared she ran outside. I must not be very observant when the ground is shaking under me.

As I have proudly declared before, pumpkin pie is my favorite food, and I find it tragic that so many people on this earth have never tried it before, so Wednesday night I had a group of students over and fed them all this delight. They all claimed it was "delicious" and I hope they weren't just lying to me to make me feel good :) Of course delicious is sometimes the only word that can be used to describe food in their eyes. Here are a few of us:

“God gave you a gift of 86,400 seconds today. Have you used one to say ‘thank you’?”
-William A. Ward


Sammie said...

Hooray for stars and sunshine and pumpkin pie and friends and YOU

Anonymous said...

Yay for sharing the joy of pumpkin pie! I'm glad you are such a sharing person. Keep sharing. I'm glad too that you had beautiful weather from above to accompany the holiday. I really like Christmas music. Not all of it but some of it is so very beautiful. haha.