Monday, January 5, 2009


After saying a tearful goodbye this afternoon I went to my friend Kylie's house with Jessie and another friend. Her mom taught us how to make jiao zi. That kept me from crying for the most part. We spent all afternoon learning to make jiao zi and then her dad taught me how to make tang cu li ji (literally "sugar vinegar pork," or sweet and sour) and gong bao ji din (we call it kung pao chicken), two of my favorite dishes. We had a lot of fun together. Then when we stepped outside to leave, it was snowing! I'm glad I didn't have to walk far, but I was excited to see snow for the first time this year. I heard they got an awful lot of it last year but it's fun for a while. I just love Kylie and Jessie, they're two of the sweetest girls ever.

"Loneliness is the first thing which God's eye named, not good."

-John Milton

1 comment:

Sammie said...

the girl on the left looks like Erisa Minakawa.