Thursday, January 8, 2009


At the risk of sounding like a veteran I'd like to observe that all the buses in Yichang have changed their routes and are now totally throwin me off my groove. I thought going to the grocery store--that in days of yore provided me with butter--was already a pain, but henceforth it's an even bigger one. Apparently they're just going back to the way they once were, and the route I knew was only a temporary one though. Good thing I enjoy a brisk, cold walk. It just serves to reinforce the saying that everything takes a day in China. Seriously, something that should take about 10 minutes will take you a whole day. Guaranteed. It's what gives me something to laugh about every day.

I got my first experience riding in a Mamu this weekend, which is quite an interesting contraption. Picture Fred Flintstone's car, and add a motor. It's like a motorcycle that has been turned into a tricycle, and had a shell added to it. Only you can still see the ground flying by underneath you as you careen through the traffic headed at you. I should have taken a picture so you could witness the greatness. I'll try to put one up in the future.

This is my last week of finals and after that I'm off to Shanghai, Nanjing, and Suzhou, before heading the other direction and hopefully hiking Tiger Leaping Gorge. Pictures will be coming, I promise.

"The unexamined life is not worth living."

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