Monday, August 17, 2009

Angels Among Us

On my birthday a sweet friend from our church called and asked if she could take Sammie and I out to lunch, but first she needed to run some errands and wanted our help. We happily agreed and met her at 10:30 that morning, looking forward to soaking up some joy from a Spirit-filled lady. We got in the car and she turned around with a big smile and said, “We’re not going to the school. We’re going shopping.” And she handed each of us an envelope full of money collected from many anonymous and loving people at our church.

I was so stunned I could hardly even react other than to gape open-mouthed. My previous post about a vacation gone awry explains why she, and many others, felt like doing something nice for us, as they knew we would need to replace the stuff that got chewed on or stolen. It’s been several days and I still can hardly accept how generous they’ve been to us. Such amazing love knocked me speechless. Truly, this has been the worst summer I’ve ever lived through but our family continues to be blessed. I can hardly begin to name all the acts of kindness and expressions of genuine love that have been bestowed on us, I only know that I’ll never be able to repay it all. It’s humbling.

Several times this summer I’ve complained about not having enough time to see all the people I love. There are so many people I wanted to see and hug, but was unable to. But as tears streamed down my face at least once a day, a few of them spoke not of pain—but of healing. It occurred to me that it’s a blessing that I have so many friends, I can’t see them all. So many precious people in my life make it worth opening my eyes every morning.

“I believe there are angels among us, sent down to us, from somewhere up above. They come to you and me—in our darkest hour; to show us how to live, teach us how to give, and guide us with a light of love.”


1 comment:

babyblueeyed girl said...

dear katie
you have no idea how much i needed this post im in tears right now
im so greatful for your blessing although im not sure what happend to your clothes
but im so blessed to have you in my life
i miss you already but think of you daily
yall are in my prayers
i love you so much