Thursday, April 2, 2009


I'm lamenting a loss today.  You don't always realize how important something is to you, until it's gone.  Suddenly there's a hole, an emptiness.  Life is a little less cheerful.  Almost as if it were a vacuum, rather than simply a hole.  It sucks some happiness out with its disappearance.  The comfort of knowing it was available for you anytime is suddenly gone, and in its place is the recognition that you didn't always appreciate it while it was there.

There's a jolly long list of things I could be longing for today.  Am I talking about the disappearance of my dear friend, the sun?  She's been in hiding for so many days that I can't remember when I last felt her presence lift my mood.  Or perhaps I'm yearning for some of my good friends without whom I do indeed feel incomplete.  Maybe the cause of my feelings of deficiency is related to food.  In some way this epitaph is dedicated to all of those things, but please join me in mourning the latest loss:  


Occasionally certain websites withdraw from our reach here, sometimes they return and other times we will miss them forever.  Xanga still isn't an option, and I'm thankful that most of the time I can blog.  That privilege has on occasion been revoked, but has been restored to me.  Youtube has offended the internet emperor and I wonder when/if I'll once again be able to peruse its vast stores of great songs and videos.  Until then...I'll visit and wonder why they named their website after a potato.

"Knowledge speaks, but wisdom listens."
-Jimi Hendrix


babyblueeyed girl said...

awww sad day but yeah for still being able to blog
i miss you
i hope you know that your supper and AMAZING

Sammie said...

of course, on the day Dustin emails me the funniest youtube video ever.

Anonymous said...

:( I will spend a moment to mourn with you.

Okay, so that's a cool Hendrix quote! We all miss you and hope you can find joys amidst the vacuum. :)