Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Sorry for my temporary abandonment of blogging. My first excuse is that sometimes the website won't come up but the main reason would have to be my laziness. Maybe if more people would leave comments I'd be inspired to update more often :)

This weekend Elizabeth and I went to a ladie's retreat in Wuhan. I can now cross one thing off my list of things to do before I die: riding an entire trans-river Wuhan bus route standing. In case that's on your list, I'd like to recommend you take it off. It's not nearly as fun as it sounds. Since it doesn't sound fun at all, you can imagine the reality. Some things about living in Wuhan would be nice, like coffee, and cheese, and butter that doesn't randomly disappear from the grocery store shelves, but all things considered I'm glad I live in YiChang. For one thing, it doesn't take me an hour bus ride just to get anywhere. And I can get a seat on the bus maybe half the time.

I have to brag for a minute that I went to the bus station, bought my ticket, and made it home all by myself. Considering I've been in China almost three months, that doesn't sound like such an impressive feat but I really am proud that my Chinese is at least at a level that I can function in society. Funny thing about that bus ride home though. Usually the bus takes you to the bus station at the end of a trip. This guy decided he wanted to spice up our lives a little bit. Instead he just dropped us off by the river and let us find our own way back. I wish I could have asked him what in the world he was smoking. Besides cigarrettes I mean. That question is next on my list of phrases to learn.

"Not all who wander are lost."
- J.R.R. Tolkien


Sammie said...

It sounds like you are finding your way around China better than I am in this English speaking bowl full of noodles with no street signs. Seriously, We have yet to drive straight where we wanted to go. BUT I discovered shortening, so TOMORROW I'm going to make your pumpkin pie recipe. It won't be as good as yours, but it'll make me miss you more than I do right now if possible.

babyblueeyed girl said...

yay for making your away around china im so proud of you
love you
and your amazing
umm i miss you bunches and love you tons more

Krista said...

YAY! You can communicate . . . sorta. I'm glad you are learning more Chinese. I would never make it over there.

Anonymous said...

Well, sorry! I missed commenting on one little post and you get all crabby. haha. J/K I actually did read about your picnic and it sounded like tons of fun! Congrats on functioning independently in a foreign place. I know you may feel rather behind in language learning but you have only been there for 3 months. Babies take years to be able to speak even after saying their first words. You're doing quite well I'm sure. :)

Sommer said...

here's a comment :) I'm always reading your blog and jealous that you're having fun in another country! Glad you're doing well though and I'm loving reading all your stories!

Anonymous said...

Here's my comment! (And jes's too, so it's like a two in one deal.) We're always reading your blog, so keep 'em comin'. I love the quotes; where do you get them? Keep it up! 加油! (jia1 you2 - used to cheer someone on.)


nateandjes said...

i'll leave my own comment, thank you very much. your chinese life skills blow me away. and i think you speak more chinese in 3 months than i do. and i cannot wait for you to get here for thanksgiving! i miss you!

katie said...

Nate: I have a habit of saving quotes whenever I read them because I find that other people tend to express my thoughts better than I can. I must admit I stole most of them from Sammie, she sent me a big word document full of them and I just constantly add to it. I love quotes in case you can't tell :)
Jes: I can't wait to see you!!! (And Nate)
Nathan, Krista, Sommer and Marge: Thanks for reading my blog and leaving me comments, I love and miss yall!!!