Sunday, October 19, 2008


This past week has been one giant bundle of awesomeness. The weather set the tone for everything else it seems, with 6 straight days of sunshine and blue skies. The kind of weather where you open every window in the house, and never have to get out a blanket or shed a layer. Simple perfection. I wore a skirt every day and wallowed in the fleeting beauty. I know that very soon I will be getting out my sweaters and scarves but until then I plan to revel in every moment of bliss. On top of that I made several new friends who are very curious about the best thing they could ever be curious about, so we met together to enjoy one another's company and learn. It was a great time and I'm looking forward to many more good discussions. Life is settling into a routine in a way, making things easier; yet staying varied enough to stave off boredom.

One of my favorite pasttimes is visiting a coffee shop near here, where I've discovered my niche. The owner is the leader of a local outdoors club, he backpacks, camps, rock climbs, and in essence does all the things I love. He has a ton of beautiful pictures all over the coffee shop and loves to share stories with me. Not only is that my ideal atmosphere, but I've met some amazing people there, many of whom turned out to be interested in much more. The stories I have, from just this week, blow my mind they are so incredible. Two months of China have not dulled me to the wonder of the people here. I'm still astonished by how easy it is to make friends, and start a conversation that leads to more study. People are so friendly, helpful, and perhaps more importantly, seeking meaning in life.

Okay I know that my other blog is reserved for my opinions and this one is supposed to be about my adventures in China, but I just can't help myself. I just finished watching the final debate, even though I've already filled out my absentee ballot but I just need to quote John McCain: "Americans are innocent victims of greed..."
I won't even dignify that comment with a response.

“The United Nations reports that over ten thousand people starve to death each day, and most of you don’t give a shit. However, what is even more tragic is that most of you are more concerned about the fact that I just said a bad word than you are about the fact that ten thousand people are going to die today.”
-Tony Campolo


sevens said...

:) You are absolutely my favourite person on the planet.

Unknown said...

That would be perfection.

Anonymous said...

Hey! After reading your email to Jes, she told me to read your blog. And wow, sounds great! I'm excited for you and the new friends you've been able to make.

Anonymous said...

The weather and coffee shop both sound awesome! Nice quotes too. We miss you around here but it sounds like China has been great for you!